After 1 June 2017 only Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in accordance with the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2015/830 will be allowed for both substances and mixtures.
The Safety Data Sheets must be supplied in an official language of the Member State where the substance or mixture is placed on the market, unless the Member State concerned provide otherwise (Article 31(5) of REACH).
At Lithuanian Republic the safety data sheets should be presented in Lithuanian language. In the Safety Data Sheet for Lithuanian market should be indicated the emergency telephone number of a competent authority. As well as, in Lithuania are set the specific limit values for some of the chemical substances. All of this information should be provided in the Safety Data Sheet.
Our experts of chemicals are able:
Translate Safety Data Sheets from English to Lithuanian language.
Adapt according to Lithuanian legislation requirements the Safety Data Sheets translated from foreign languages.
Prepare and update of chemical substances and mixtures Safety Data Sheets according to REACH and CLP regulations requirements.
The Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are needed?
Please write us by e-mail: Šis el.pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo Spam'o, jums reikia įjungti Javaskriptą, kad matytumėte tai